Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Post for my bestie!

Lisney emailed me today saying that she was no longer able to access our blog, and I'm not sure if she thought for a second that I might have actually blocked her, or she's probably expecting a blog about her recent trip out to Orlando and wanted to see all the fun things we did recapped into a hilarious post.  I have done neither!  I have just been SO crazy (no excuse...aren't we all) the last couple of months that I haven't even had time to order the pictures from the last 3 months, much less sit down and tell all of you about them.

However, I will tell you about Lisneys visit and post some pics from her trip.  One thing I did realize is (mostly due to the lack of pictures we actually took while she was here) that we had such a great time with Lis that we didn't even have time to stop and take pictures of what we were doing because we were having that much fun doing them!  When you wake up the next morning with bruises in places you can't figure out how you got and pictures on your camera you don't remember taking you know it's been a good night!

Being in Orlando and meeting so many wonderful new friends, you forget how relaxing and hilarious it is to be with the ones who have known you through the years (okay 24) and love you anyway.  I've known Lisney seriously since I was like 4 and is by far my oldest friend.  Just to go get slurrpees, grab dinner, have a drink, stay up late, and lounge on the couch all day with her is better than any thrill seeking theme park or breath taking beach.  She will always be the one who can make me laugh the most and knock me back to reality when I need it.  I also noticed how similar my BFF and husband really are.  They're personalities are identical and I never really noticed it before.  I guess that's why they are both the closest people to me.

I can't thank her enough for coming out to Florida to hang out with us for a weekend and taking 3 days off of work to do it.  I wish we could have many more weekends like this, but I guess it's the irregularity that make them so special.  We got to watch the Rangers beat the Yankees to advance to the World Series together!  And I can still remember in 9th grade going to the Rangers game at the "new" stadium and sitting in a box with her parents, it was all you could eat and we thought that was preeettyy cool.  I can even remember what I wore!  It was such a cool thing to experience with her and Kyle, who has been a Ranger fan since birth.

I will do my best to keep posting for those of you who are still out there and if there are any of you left, say something and I'll find some more things to blog about.  I've actually been preeeetttttyyyy crafty lately.  We bought a hugh piece of plywood at Home Depot on Sunday and I have few crafty ideas in the works for them.  Seriously go buy a big piece of it, you'll be entertained for weeks with fun ideas. Well one has already made its debut in our house and I can't wait to show you!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful 3 1/2 months.  I'll do my best to get back on the blog bandwagon.  We will be in Tulsa one week from today so if you're there we'll see you soon!!

Love you all and miss you so much!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Laney visits Florida!!!

The Zembower's came from Dallas to Orlando last weekend to spend some quality time with Aunt Angela and Uncle Kyle. It was wonderful to spend a weekend with sweet Laney.  She has always been the happiest baby.  I knew she would love AW, but I didn't realize that AW would love her even more.  I think he was happy to have someone his size around!

Here's some pictures, I took over 200 of them!  

Laney petting AW

Bath time!!!

Before dinner Friday night

Riding a camel with mommy at the Tampa Zoo

She loved stealing uncle Kyle's hat from him and putting it on her head! 
I LOVE this one!

Feeding Boris at the Zoo!  We were both pretty freaked out!

I could not get her away from the computer!

Laney loving Cocoa Beach!

Dubbers trying to play ball with Laney while she's enamored with Elmo!

Such a wonderful weekend!  She changes so much everytime I see her.  We love you Laney and am so glad you came out to visit us and even braved your first plane ride with mommy and daddy to do so.  Can't wait to see you in October!

Aunt A and Uncle K

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I want one!

How cool would one of these be for entertaining!  If you think I was obsessed with wine decor before, going to wine country certainly did not help that.  And I found that Kirklands has some really cute wine decor things too and much cheaper than Pottery barn...which is where this barrel is from, for $129, of course. 
I've also realized that a 3 year mark is about the time to start replacing some wedding gifts (kitchen things, everyday dishes, silverware).  Is it possible to have an anniversary registry?  Just a thought.

My favorite niece in the entire world is coming to Florida TODAY!  They are actually at the airport as I type this.  I can't believe it!  Her very first plane ride ever is to come see us!  We are so excited. 

Friday, July 23, 2010

We're back!!!

After a wonderful 7 day vacation to California and Vegas, we are back to reality!  Here are some pictures from my phone.  As soon as I can go through my 700 pictures and figure out which ones I want to post I will!  We had a wonderful time getting to celebrate 3 years together and getting to see some wonderful friends. 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

1,096 day anniversary!

Yesterday we celebrated 3 years as husband and wife!!  I honestly can not believe how fast it has gone.  And even though we said no gifts (because we're finally taking a week long vacation to wine country!) my sweet hubby surprised me with 18 beautiful roses at work.  He really is the best.  We decided we weren't going to do a fancy dinner like we have the past 2 anniversary and just wanted to do something simple.  And I must admit, PF Chang's was very accommodating.  The hostess and waitress told us happy anniversary and the manager bought us a dessert.  It's the little things. 

Then when we got home (after taking out the trash, cleaning the kitchen, letting AW out...the romantic daily activities) we decided to sit down and actually watch our wedding videos for the first time.  Our friend, Travis Peck, videoed the rehearsal, wedding, and reception for us.  He gave us the videos around our 1st anniversary and we had a hard time playing them on our DVD player.  We finally decided to get them out and watch them.  It was so wonderful to watch the special day over and to see everyone who shared that day with us.  Kyle had a mic on during the ceremony so it was funny to listen to his commentary.  It is so special to have that on video!  Thank you Travis!

Another year down!  We are leaving on Saturday to spend a week in San Fransisco, Wine County, and then to Vegas!  Should be a pretty fun week.  I really wanted to go to Wine country for our honeymoon and someone didn't, so this will be like a second honeymoon!

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!  Have a great rest of the week!

Mr. and Mrs. Payne

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wizarding World of Harry Potter

We ventured to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter yesterday with an almost 6 year old and 9 year old who love HP more than anyone else I know.  My sister, Amy, her boyfriend Dennis and his two adorable kids Christian (9 year old) and Cameron (almost 6 year old) drove from Dallas to Orlando on Friday night and made it to Orlando Saturday afternoon.  Halfway through the almost 24 hour drive, Christian discovered he gets really bad car sickness when he's in the car for too long!  They stopped in Tallahassee for a little break from the car and he was such a trooper and made it all the way to Orlando.  I said, "I hope this wasn't the worst start to a trip ever" he said, "no it's the worst start to the BEST trip ever." 

The rest of Saturday we just let the boys relax and Dennis and Amy were exhausted, naturally, from working then driving 24 hours straight - with a puking kid half the way.  They love AW so much and for the first time AW is running away from his soccer ball because they want to play with it and AW more than he does.  Never thought I'd see the day!  Then we watched the first 2 Harry Potters, because I haven't seen any of them and they were appalled.

Sunday we headed over to New Smyrna beach and had a blast!  We built the most awesome sand castle and luckily the weather was wonderful and didn't rain on us.  The boys (the big ones and little ones) wanted to go bowling on Sunday night but the girls we're exhausted and knew Monday was going to be along day at Universal.  Cameron said he wanted Kyle to pay for bowling, "So Angela can save her money and not have to spend it."  Too cute. 

Monday was Harry Potter day!  I woke up Christian and Cameron and asked them if they were excited and Christian said, "yeah! who wouldn't be?" haha.  Once we all had breakfast, some coffee, put our sunscreen on and loaded the back packs with food, capri suns, medicine, extra clothes, and water, we were ready to go.  Experiencing Universal with kids is a completely different experience.  From 9 AM to 5 PM we did Harry Potter and Jurassic Park at Islands of Adventure( maybe 1/8th of the park).  But we had so much fun and nothing beats the look on their faces when they saw HP.  Kyle and I stood in the line to get into HP while they rode the Spiderman ride.  Not surprisingly, recently diagnosed with car-sickness-Christian - wasn't a big fan of the 3-d moving cart spiderman ride!  It was about an hour wait to get into HP.  Once we were in the lines continued to grow.  We were able to ride the new Forbidden Journey ride which is really cool and different than any other ride I've ever been on.  We waited about 50 minutes for that ride too.  While I was waiting in the child swap room with Cameron some girl puked in the trash can right next to us.  That wasn't so fun.  But they were playing the 1st HP in the room so at least we got to watch some of that.

The lines for the Olivanders wand shop and the Dervish and Banges stores were hours long.  They really wanted to get a wand, but they are going back on Wednesday and Friday so Dennis promised they would go then!  We bought some butterbeer and luckily didn't have to wait for it, but it was really good and not too expensive . We bought 4 drinks for $10.00, however if you want it in the souvenir cup it's $10.00 for each.
Here with our with our butter beer mustaches!  and Cameron is holding his chocolate frog in the bag (in his mouth).

It was definitely an exhausting day, but worth it!  Other than someone stealing my camera from my bag it was a wonderful day.   Today when I left for work Christian told me I would have the "cleanest and sparkelest house" when I got home!  I told him he was the best best house guest we have ever had.  And Amy said once he was down cleaning my house he said, "Now this is a vacation."  Just the cutest and sweetest things.  I wish they never had to leave.  Not to mention, my husband is really cute with kids ;-)

They are visiting one of the world's largest McDonald's today and then are meeting me at my work when I get off.  Then we'll probably watch a couple more HP movies tonight!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week and getting ready for the 4th of July!

A and K

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day weekend!

While Kyle spent the weekend in Tulsa, I was able to spend the weekend at the beautiful Anna Maria Island!  Here is a glimpse at the beautiful beach and a wonderful sunset!  I had a great time with Jen, Blair, and Baby Brock!

These beaches are beautiful and it will be really sad if they are ruined by the oil spill.  But for now we're going to enjoy them while we still have them!  I still can't believe I live this close to paradise!


 Then on Sunday AW and I picked up Kyle from the airport!  AW got him a cute Father's day card.  Not sure why no one has hired AW as a card model yet, he could be really good at it! (and a 3rd income would be nice!)

The inside just said "Hot Dog" as most cards with weiner dogs on them tend to say, but I couldn't resist.

Happy Father's day to all 4 of our dads and Granddaddy!  We love all you guys so much!

And yesterday was Rachel Taylor's birthday!  Happy Birthday Rachel!  Hope you had a wonderful day!!!!!!!

We are getting ready for Amy, Dennis, Christian and Camerons arrival on Saturday and we can't wait!  Although I heard the line for the new Harry Potter ride was 5 1/2 hours!  Sounds like we might be spending an entire day just to see all of Harry Potter.  But it will be so worth it.

Have a great week! 

Friday, June 18, 2010

Girls weekend!

Kyle headed to Tulsa / Wichita this weekend for his cousin, Wendy's wedding.  I so wish I could go, it is going to be a fabulous wedding, but he's going as the Payne family representative to this one.  This will be his 3rd and final weekend out of town.  Can't remember what it's like to have him to lounge around with on the weekends!  And I am leaving today after work to head the Anna Maria Island on the West Coast.  Hopefully get a good trip to the west coast in before the oil spill hits it.  I'm going with 2 girls (Jen and Blair) that I met through work and we're really looking forward to a weekend away. 

However, I am very jealous that Kyle gets to spend time with our friends in Tulsa, eat at El Tequila, and drink boulevard.  He's been back to Tulsa twice now since thanksgiving and I probably won't be back until Thanksgiving this year.  :-(

Our next visitors are Amy, Dennis, Christian, and Cameron!  They are quite possibly two of the cutest (Laney excluded) kids we know!  To say they love Harry Potter is a ridiculous understatement. We are both taking off next Monday to go with them to Harry Potter world...and whatever else Universal has to offer.  From what I hear they ask every day if they are coming to Florida tomorrow and are very excited to play ball with Dubbers!  And I know AW is very excited too!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  I know I will!  Happy Friday!

how cute is she...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Watch Out Nascar!

My sister sent me this photo last night of Laney at the grocery store.  The look on her face makes me laugh out loud every time.  She is really loving that car!  Just thought I would post something to make you guys smile too!  

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

A and K

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Weekends with friends!

Alright, I'm ashamed at how long it has been since I last posted, but I've been really busy entertaining okay!  The last time I wrote we were anticipating the arrival of our very best friends Jeff and Leah.  It was their 1st trip out to see us we were really looking forward to showing them around O -town.  The night they got in it was Jeff's birthday and we had decorated the house and I had a birthday cake and presents waiting for him.    On Friday the boys played golf and we had a minor incident with one of the tires on the car so Leah wasn't able to meet me for lunch, but they ended up meeting me after work downtown!  The Magic were playing that night  (they lost to Boston) but we had dance party 2 k 10 at Wall Street!  I forgot what amazing dancers Leah and I are.  She has all those fantastic photos but they are hilarious!

On Saturday we got up early and went to Universal Studios!  As usual we had a wonderful time.  It rained in the middle of the day so we went and saw Nightmare on Elm Street (K and J have a love affair with horr-or movies) in between Universal and IOA.  It worked out perfectly.  Then we went to 4 Rivers for some yummy BBQ - which is now on the Must - do list when you visit.

Sunday was truly a fun day.  We started off the day with chocolate pancakes, egg, and bacon for breakfast.  Then we headed to the outlets for a little shopping.  By then it was time for happy hour at Mucho's!  We headed to Muchos and enjoyed margaritas, chips and queso, and beer!  We came back home to grill out before we headed out for bowling.  We went to a pretty shady bowling alley in WP but had the best time.  It was guys vs girls (duh) and even after 4 pitchers of beer we (leah) totally dominated them.  Luckily the alley was pretty empty because as the games got more intense so did the things we were screaming at each other hoping they would throw a gutter ball.  After we beat them, I can't remember how badly we won because Jeff tore up our proof, but we certainly won't ever let them live that down!  Back at the Payne house, Jeff and Kyle put on an amazing rockband show complete with shout outs, requests, throwing the mic, and encores!

They left back for OK pretty early on Monday morning but we loved having them in Orlando!  We are really trying to recruit them to come live out here!  It is pretty hard to resist!  Love you guys!

So the Scott's left on Monday, Kyle left on Thursday to go to the Dominican Republic for "work" / playing 36 rounds of golf a day on the ocean, and Chris, Shannon, and PJ, arrived from NYC!
There list of things to do in Orlando basically consisted of eating at certain places (chick fa lay, sonic, chilies) so they were pretty easy to amuse!  On Friday night we went and ate at Houston's which by the way has a pretty amazing dirty martini and then ventured to the Best Western Bar, the Red Fox, where the infamous "mark and lorna" perform every weekend.  They are supposedly the inspiration behind the Will Ferrall / Ana Gasteyer "Marty and Bobbie Culp" sketch on SNL which was pretty accurate.

On Saturday we went to 310 Park South for some lunch and walked around Park Ave.  Then we went to Jeremiah's for mid afternoon delight!  And it was quite a success.  We then decided to hit up the Leu Gardens, which is a 49 (not 50 like the lady in front lied to us about) acre garden.  It was pretty just way to hot to be out there.  And we hardly saw other people in the garden which should have been our first sign.  We had a real housewives of NY photo shoot a la' Kelli Bensimon which entertained us for quite a while.

They also enjoyed 4 Rivers for dinner and then we headed downtown!  I can't possibly mention them coming to Orlando and not note that every single conversation these 3 have either includes a Glee character or the real life Glee star themselves.  Insanity.  but amusing!  They missed Kyle at the airport by 45 minutes.  and although I know it would have been even more funny if Kyle was here, we had a pretty entertaining weekend!

THANK YOU to the Scotts and NYC crew for coming to Orlando to visit.  We LOVE having our friends and family come out.  Next up is my sister, Dennis, Christian, and Cameron and we can not wait to take them to HARRY POTTER!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Birthdays!!

Just a quick post to say happy birthday to kyle's bff since 7th grade...Jeff Scott!  AND the best part is that him and Leah flew into Orlando on his birthday!  We had a wonderful celebration last night, even though by time they got to Orlando it was no longer his bday, stupid time change!  He lost an hour of birthday celebrations.  But we made up for it!  And it is going to be a wonderful weekend with the Scotts!!! I'm going off of 4 hours sleep from last night and it was only their first night in town.  I have a feeling I won't be catching up for a few days.

And of course today is Laney Alice Zembowers 1st birthday!  Really can't believe it's been a year but I guess that's how every year is going to seem.  I did try to call the birthday girl this morning but she was sleeping in!  I did get a pic of the birthday princess this morning in her birthday outfit! 

Oh sweet Laney girl I hope you have the most wonderful first birthday!  You are loved to the moon and back!  Alyson and Ryan have truly raised a happy and quite funny little girl!  Not sure where she gets it from though ;-)

Have a great and safe Memorial Day weekend!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


This past weekend I went to Dallas for Laney's 1st Birthday party!  She doesn't officially turn 1 until Friday so it hasn't hit me quite yet.  But it was such a wonderful trip home!  I flew in on Thursday night and Lisney picked me up and took me Taco Bueno! My goal was to eat as much mexican food as I possibly could and I succeed! 

On Saturday I got up to go watch Laney for the day!  I'm pretty sure she recognized me, that or she's just the most friendly girl ever and doesn't know a stranger, which is also possible. She will say "Bravo" and clap her hands and it's just the cutest thing ever.  Even when she does something she's not supposed to do, she will say Bravo and you can't be made at her!  She is still in love with Elmo and will randomly say his name too.

We watched some Dragon Tails, took a nap, watch Barney, and had a  dance off.
And we laughed a whole lot to.  This is one funny girl.

She is even eating big girl food now!  She had mini pancakes and grapes for breakfast.  And then had cubed ham and more grapes for lunch!  Such a big girl!

Then we went and met Nona for lunch at Potbelly where she ate more grapes and chips.  Then we ran some errands to get ready for her party.  Running errands with a baby is a totally new experience for me.  I kept having to make sure I wasn't leaving anything behind and we had everything and god for bid that I didn't leave her in the car!  God bless all you moms out there.  But we went to Old Navy, Target and Party City and the poor girl was so hot.  She started to cry every time I had to put her back in that hot car seat.  And since she has to face backwards I don't know how she gets any air.  

Then I went to David and Katherine's beautiful new home in Dallas and we went to dinner at Matt's...a Mexican restaurant in Dallas. This was my first time to see them since they got engaged!  Their wedding is in October and we're really looking forward to it.  

Then I met some people out at a bar in Dallas for some drinks!  Yes I actually called around to find bars that had Boulevard Wheat and that's where we went!

Then Saturday was Miss Laney's 1st birthday party!!  She was such a trooper and I'm sure she knew the entire day was about her.  She was smiling and laughing and putting on a show for everyone.

It was a wonderful party and she was quite the birthday princess!  Aunt Amy and Aunt Angela loaded her up with fun beach clothes and stuff for her trip to Florida in July!

Then I headed to birthday party #2 for the day.  Christian had his 9th birthday party at Main Event.  Then we went back to Amy and Dennis's for a slumber party.  Alyson came over and we had some good sister time!  I spend the night at Alyson's and was able to hang out with Laney in the morning before her nap.  

I then stopped by Lisney's parents house to see them!  It was so nice to see Mom and Dad P and catch up!  Then I met my dad and Marilyn at EL NORTE for lunch!  I ate so much it was my only meal for the day!

And then it was on my way back to Orlando and home with Kyle and AW.  I'm glad that I got to be there for Laney's 1st birthday!  I can't promise to make it back for all her birthdays but this one was pretty special.  

Next up, Jeff and Leah will be in Orlando TONIGHT to spend Memorial Day weekend with us!  This will be their first trip out here since we moved and I can not wait to show them around.  They actually came to Disneyworld for their honeymoon 5 years ago so it will be a special trip for them too!

Sorry it's been so long since my last post.  I promise to post all our adventures this summer.  We have something / someone visiting every weekend until August!  

a and k

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Best surprise ever!

Of all the things I thought about Kyle bringing me home from his trip to Dallas/ Tulsa I never even thought of this!  And it is the best gift I could have asked for!  A 6 pack +1 of Boulevard Wheat!!!!  It makes my mouth water just thinking about it.  I will have to ration them out.  But I will definitely have one on Friday before Tim McGraw and Lady Antebellum concert!  

I also might need to have one tonight for Cinco De Mayo!  Ha!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Most unproductive weekend ever.

Yesterday I left my house to go get sonic for brunch then Popeye's for dinner.  That was it.  The rest of my day was spent on the couch.  It is so sad that it now takes me an entire day to recover from a night out of fun!  I went to Orlando's piano bar, Howl at the Moon, with a friend from work and some of he friends and it was a good time, no Pete's, but still fun.    

Kyle is in Dallas for the Warrior Dash and then he's off to Tulsa for a funeral.  (Jim's sister, Sarah, passed away after a tragically quick battle with cancer, please keep their family in your prayers). I am glad it worked out that he could go and be with his family...although me and AW miss him like crazy!  

Here is the before picture of the boys: Jeff, Randy, Travis P, and Travis M., all friends since middle school.  And they are all married to wonderful ladies and we have all become great friends as well...those are some really lucky boys ;-)

And Jeff, Kyle and Kris afterwards!  They all had a wonderful time and I am so proud of them!  

Today I forced myself to get off the couch and go run some errands.  But it is so ridiculously hot here already.  I am trying not to turn the AC on quite yet, and it is 83 degrees in here.  Luckily I am always freezing so its not too bad for me.  Just have every fan on in house and don't move around too much. 

I'm about to go try a mexican restaurant in Thorton Park called Mucho's.  You know me, always on the hunt for good mexican food around here!  And I have called Jeremiah's every day to see if they have cotton candy and they don't.  Apparently it is one of the least popular flavors (unbelievable) and they rotate it with blueberry, yuck. So it takes forever to have the cotton candy again.  But there is another Jeremiah's that is a little bit further but it will be worth the drive if they have cotton candy.  It's really sad when Jeremiah's is constantly on my recent calls list.

Happy May to everyone!  This is going to be a crazy month for us but I am really looking forward to everything we have coming up!  Tim McGraw, Lady Antebellum, Bible Study retreat in Daytona, Dallas and Miss Laney's 1st birthday party, and a visit from our BFF's the Scotts!!!  Can't wait for them to come out and play in Orlando. 

Have a wonderful Sunday.  

Love and miss you guys!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

At least tomorrow is my Monday

Well today is officially the last day of my vacation.  Although it hasn't been as relaxing as I would have liked, it certainly has been fun!  Last Thursday morning we left to go to the beach and we got to spend Thursday and Friday at Cocoa!   There was a rocket launch on Thursday night from Kennedy Space Center that we got to see during dinner.  It was quite fascinating.  And we watched the draft during dinner and was exciting to watch Sam Bradford get picked first!!  Then on Saturday we headed over to Tampa for the Jimmy Buffet concert.  It was an all day tailgating experience (and got me really excited for football season).  There was a big group of people from Kyle's work and we all had so much fun.

The girls

The Paynes and the McBrides

Me and my parrot head

the JBL / Gallo crew!

I'm off to the dentist!  Have a wonderful week!  


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hello vacation!

So my 1 year anniversary with my wonderful job is April 27th and I somehow still have 4 vaca / sick days that I haven't taken.  And little did they know, I was not about to just give them up.  So I am taking the next 4 work days off.  I don't have to go back to my office for an entire week!  The sad thing is I know I am really going to miss it.  I get so bored not working so my plan is to keep myself really busy. My wonderful husband is taking me to Cocoa beach to celebrate, where we will be relaxing on the beach and pretending like we never have to go back to work ever.  And it's good that we are getting out of town because our cable mysteriously quit working this morning and they can't get someone out here until Saturday to fix it!  (and apparently they make us pay for someone to come out and fix their equipment that isn't working...unless we have a warranty that you have to pay extra for.  ugh) What in the world are we supposed to do without tv...well since you asked...KP is play COD and I am blogging.  exciting huh!

I really can't believe it has been a year since I started my job.  I never saw myself working in the legal field, but I really do love what I do.  And it is so interesting, and quite beneficial to learn more about the law.  The attorneys I work for are just amazing and it's so incredible to learn from them and their legal assistants.  I even got flowers from my favorite attorney for admin professionals day!  I really am blessed to love going to work every day.  As crazy as it is around there, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Happy 3 year anniversary to Alyson and Ryan!!  They went to NYC last weekend to celebrate their anniversary and I know they had a wonderful time.  And getting away for them is even more special now that they have miss Laney in their life.  God has truly blessed them with a wonderful marriage and beautiful family!  WE LOVE YOU GUYS!

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week!

a and k

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weekend Recap

This past weekend marks the beginning of what we in the biz call "busy season."  Well the biz being me and Kyle's life!  It is about to get crazy around here with traveling and guests and we couldn't be more excited!

Last week I put together a Team NeJame for the downtown Orlando Corporate 5 K event.  These are the peps from my office that participated!  I did get to meet Nick Anderson and Bo Outlaw - 2 of the founding players of the Orlando Magic!  We walked the course and ended in exactly 1 hour.  Maybe next time I will train a little bit and actually run, but we'll see.  Mr. Payne however pretended liked it was a high school track meet (yes he use to run track and was 90 lbs soaking wet) and finished the thing in less that 24 minutes.  Impressive I know!

Then on Friday night we went to see Dashboard Confessionals at House of Blues.  They are one of our favorite bands and have some really fun songs to sing along to.  So fun in fact my diaphragm was sore the next day from singing so much.  Bet you didn't know that was possible did you!  And the even cooler part was our friend Sarah got us meet and greet passes so we were able to stay afterwards and meet Chris, the lead singer.  She took a picture of me with him, but it's on her camera so I don't have it.  But the HOB is just a fun venue for concerts and there really isn't a bad seat in the house.

Saturday Kyle got up and played golf...for the 3rd weekend in a row.  Man he's got it so rough.  And I did some birthday shopping for my favorite niece who will be 1 next month.  There is nothing more fun than shopping for teeny tiny clothes for a not so tenny tiny baby!  I thought it was hard to resist things for myself, ha, it is impossible to not buy everything in sight for Laney.  Speaking of Laney, I haven't posted any recent pics of her and I think it's about time I did.  

Miss Laney on Easter!

She has starting to babble and even make some words.  She has developed an immediate love for Elmo and its ridiculously cute.  She will carry her Elmo doll with her everywhere and loves to say Elmo!  and Uh Oh!  Can't wait to hear it in person.  I've also been told that she is very close to walking.  It's crazy to think she was only 7 months old last time I saw her and she might be walking the next time I do.

Okay back on track.  Saturday we went to Universal Studios to see Chicago play!  man those are some old dudes, but they still sound exactly the same.  It was fun to hear some of their classics!  However it got me thinking about how weird it will be in 30 - 40 years when our favorite bands now have reunion tours and come back and our kids will be like wow these people are so old and terrible ha.  Imagine Kings of Leon being old and playing all their songs and all us old people singing along while our kids are so embarrassed of us.  

Then today we were really lazy.  Its been overcast and rainy all day so we just went to mall.  Where we actually finally found a rug for our living room, and then put the rug in our living room in the dining room.  For most of you who haven't seen our house that doesn't mean anything to you, but it's exciting for us.  Then we went and saw Date Movie.  We gave it a B -.  It was funny and entertaining at least and good for a rainy lazy Sunday.

Now Kyle begged me to play on the computer for a little while so he can play CODMW2.  I obliged and so you guys get to read all about our weekend!  You're so lucky!

Next weekend we are going to Tampa to see Jimmy Buffett -round 2 -with a lot of friends / Kyle's co-workers.  And I get to take off Thursday - Tuesday to use up my remaining vaca days before I lose them.  Definitely looking forward to that!!  And by looking forward to that I have like 4 Dr appointments because I am really bad at going to the Dr. so I'm going to make it up next week.  And getting a manicure.  That is what I want to do on my 6 days off work.  As long as I do that I'll be happy.  

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!