Thursday, July 29, 2010

I want one!

How cool would one of these be for entertaining!  If you think I was obsessed with wine decor before, going to wine country certainly did not help that.  And I found that Kirklands has some really cute wine decor things too and much cheaper than Pottery barn...which is where this barrel is from, for $129, of course. 
I've also realized that a 3 year mark is about the time to start replacing some wedding gifts (kitchen things, everyday dishes, silverware).  Is it possible to have an anniversary registry?  Just a thought.

My favorite niece in the entire world is coming to Florida TODAY!  They are actually at the airport as I type this.  I can't believe it!  Her very first plane ride ever is to come see us!  We are so excited. 

Friday, July 23, 2010

We're back!!!

After a wonderful 7 day vacation to California and Vegas, we are back to reality!  Here are some pictures from my phone.  As soon as I can go through my 700 pictures and figure out which ones I want to post I will!  We had a wonderful time getting to celebrate 3 years together and getting to see some wonderful friends. 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

1,096 day anniversary!

Yesterday we celebrated 3 years as husband and wife!!  I honestly can not believe how fast it has gone.  And even though we said no gifts (because we're finally taking a week long vacation to wine country!) my sweet hubby surprised me with 18 beautiful roses at work.  He really is the best.  We decided we weren't going to do a fancy dinner like we have the past 2 anniversary and just wanted to do something simple.  And I must admit, PF Chang's was very accommodating.  The hostess and waitress told us happy anniversary and the manager bought us a dessert.  It's the little things. 

Then when we got home (after taking out the trash, cleaning the kitchen, letting AW out...the romantic daily activities) we decided to sit down and actually watch our wedding videos for the first time.  Our friend, Travis Peck, videoed the rehearsal, wedding, and reception for us.  He gave us the videos around our 1st anniversary and we had a hard time playing them on our DVD player.  We finally decided to get them out and watch them.  It was so wonderful to watch the special day over and to see everyone who shared that day with us.  Kyle had a mic on during the ceremony so it was funny to listen to his commentary.  It is so special to have that on video!  Thank you Travis!

Another year down!  We are leaving on Saturday to spend a week in San Fransisco, Wine County, and then to Vegas!  Should be a pretty fun week.  I really wanted to go to Wine country for our honeymoon and someone didn't, so this will be like a second honeymoon!

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!  Have a great rest of the week!

Mr. and Mrs. Payne