Well this year is going by super quick! I can't believe it's already March! We have a couple of anniversaries in our world in March so I figured I would share them with you.
March 2, 2009 - Kyle started his new job in Orlando and thus the birth of our blog. I think I was more nervous for him than he was to start his new position. I was still unpacking and getting the townhome in order and it took us some time to get everything put in it's place. I can't believe he's been with his company for 2 years! And that we have lived in Orlando that long. We have now lived in Orlando longer than we (as a married couple) lived in Tulsa...which was 1 year and 9 months. Whether we are here for the rest of our lives or Orando is just a chapter in our life, it will certainly alwas have a special place in our hearts. We really do love it here and can see us raising a family here and being here for a while. Sorry to our family back home reading this! I know you seceretly hoped we wouldnt fall in love with Florida, but we're on our way!
March 7, 2004 - The night Kyle asked me to be his girlfriend after a date party! I can still remember that night like it was yesterday. and yes, he actually asked me to be his girlfriend which I thought was really sweet. We've now been boyfriend / girlfriend for 7 years! It's weird when you get married and you no longer acknoweldge your dating anniversary, but I still think it's important to recognize it! You're dating years kinds of get erased when you get married, but they don't have to! Since we started dating on the 7th and usually would do a little something on the 7th of every month, hense why we decided to get married on 7-7-07. Made it pretty easy for both of us to remember! We still say happy anniversary on the 7th of the month so it can serve as both our daing anniversary or our wedding anniversary. So, happy 7 years dating and happy 3 years and 8 months as husband and wife.
March 24, 1983 - My birthday!!! I realize that birthdays aren't nearly as exciting as they use to be and I'm pretty sure 28 will be just as uneventful as I imagine, but I'm okay with that. It's still my birthday and I do still love getting birthday cards in the mail. I don't need or want a thing, but I love displaying birthday cards on the mantel. I ususally leave them up there for a couple weeks and they make me smile. One of my earliest birthday memories was my birthday party at Chuch E Cheeses. It must have been my 3rd or 4th birthday and I remember it because all I wanted was Ghostbusters stuff. I got the Ghostbuster backpack thing and ghost detectors. I have an Aunt who's birthday is March 23rd and she turned 20 the year I was born. I remember I would only sit with her in the birthday chair and I can always remember the rainbow frosting on the Chuch E Cheese cakes. Then a day after my 11th birthday she had my cousin, Tyler! So we've always had 3 exciting days in March in our family.
On my 7th birthay, I had come down with the chickenpox. But the good thing about having a birthday in March is it usually falls around the time of Spring Break. My mom had taken us to Corpus Christi and Austin to visit our family for Spring Break that year. Sometime near the end of the trip I got the dreaded chicken pox, but I got to stay home for an entire extra week! I thought I was so lucky.
March 25, 2005 - And I can't forget the most important birthday in March, Alphonse Walter! He will be 6 this year! I can't believe it. We've noticed that his little chin and face are getting some grey hairs and he's starting to look like an old man. Now one of his feet has some grey hair on it! He still loves to play ball like a young chap though.
Happy March! Have a great week!
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago