Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We're finally doing it!

I posted a question, to which no one replied anybody out there!?, awhile asking if anyone had gone to a Jimmy Buffett concert.  We ended up not going then, but are going tomorrow night!  Notice I didn't ask for anyone's advice this time.  Now I know it won't be the full on parrot-head experience since it is on a school night, but it's still Jimmy, pina colada's, and cheeseburgers in paradise!  (lame I know, I had to) Kyle has been wanting to see good ole Jim for for awhile and we all know...what Kyle wants Kyle gets so he is particularly more excited than I am.  He listens to Margaritaville on Sirius everyday, and swears he is going to hang out at Margaritaville at Universal Studios one day to meet JD the DJ.  We have yet to do that, but I don't doubt he crosses it off his things to do while living in Orlando list.  There is still plenty of time.  The good thing is is that the concert is indoors and not outdoors as his concerts typically are (and I am sure much more enjoyable that way) because we got a cold front today.  It rained ALL day and it's getting down into the 40's tonight with the high in the 50's tomorrow.  Which poses a real dilemma for the "what do you wear to a Jimmy Buffett concert" question.  Obviously its all about being tropical and beachy, but that's really hard in 50 degree weather.  I did go buy some leis for us and our friends that are going so hopefully that will "beachify" our sweaters and jeans?!

I am just hoping when we get there that I end up knowing more songs than I think I will.  I mean I am forced to listen to Margaritaville in the car so I'm bound to know at least half.  Don't worry I'll fill you in sometimes this weekend.  I have a feeling Friday at work is going to be tough.


  1. Do you have any Hawaiian shirts? Too bad you don't live closer bc I have Hawaiian PANTS!

    So Kyle won't be wearing a coconut bra??

  2. no...not a single hawaiian shirt. And I went to party city last night and they didn't have any coconut bras! too bad you don't live closer to me...when are yall coming?

  3. I just happen to have a coconut bra and coconut purse too. Trish got them for me in Hawaii.

    ugh--I don't know. Hopefully soon. I'll call you this wknd.

  4. oh i hope you all had fun!!! i love JB and wish he'd come back to knoxville. he's coming to nashville in may but tkts sold out the AM they went on sale!!! my only concert of his i went to we were third row enter so i dont know anything can top that =) w
